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Bretonnian Army Gallery

Bretonnian Empire Imperial Knights from Games Workshop and Milton Bradly painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Empire Imperial Knights  -  Posted: December 5, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop and Milton Bradly
Three Bretonnian-ish knights from the Battle Masters board game collaboration between Games Workshop and Milton Bradley. I'll definitely add these to my Bretonnian Old World army since they are so, so obviously the precursor to the famous and wonderful fifth-edition Warhammer Fantasy Bretonnians. The feathered helms will add some variety, and the horses are basically the same horses from 5th edition. I'm happy with how these turned out and they were a lot less work than I remember Bretonnian knights being!

Bretonnian Empire Imperial Knights from Games Workshop and Milton Bradly painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Empire Imperial Knights  -  Posted: December 5, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop and Milton Bradly
The first knight with the Castle device on the barding and the shield, a proud knight he is!

Bretonnian Empire Imperial Knights from Games Workshop and Milton Bradly painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Empire Imperial Knights  -  Posted: December 5, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop and Milton Bradly
The champion with a penant and a fleur de lis in place of the castle device on his barding and shield. It sets him apart a bit, and he still has the castle device on the penant!

Bretonnian Empire Imperial Knights from Games Workshop and Milton Bradly painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Empire Imperial Knights  -  Posted: December 5, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop and Milton Bradly
The third knight from this unit, looking dashing in his device-laden barded horse!

Bretonnian Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 18, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
A close up of the front rank of my new Bretonnian men-at-arms unit. Well, not new, but newly rebased and reinforced with a few extra figs I had lying around to bring it up to a 18 man unit of figs on 25mm bases ready for the release of Warhammer the Old World! In the original Kings of War unit, these figs were burried in the second rank...

Bretonnian Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 18, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The entire Bretonnian men-at-arms unit all rebased and ready for their battles in Warhammer the Old World. I removed the figs from their Kings of War unit base, put them all on 25mm bases, and added four new figs to round them out to 18, enough for three ranks with a frontage of six figs.

Bretonnian Lord on Foot from Reaper Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Lord on Foot  -  Posted: June 13, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Reaper Miniatures
The Bretonnian Lord Roland 'The Gray' Tristement, a second son of a great Bretonnian Lord who struck out and attempted to found a dukedom in the Wasteland in the Northeast of Bretonnia on the edge of the Darkwald Forest. In the end he died Sadly at that hands of an undead blight that plagued his castle and lands from the beginning of his time. --- I really wanted some Bretonnian knights on foot, but those old GW metals are expensive on eBay, so I looked around and found these fantastic knights from Reaper Miniatures. Clearly they're going for that Medieval vibe and I think they're pretty great figs sculped by Werner Klocke.

Bretonnian Lord on Foot from Reaper Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Lord on Foot  -  Posted: June 13, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Reaper Miniatures
The Bretonnian Lord Roland Tristement used the symbol of the tower with four turrets on his heraldry because he knew that his fortress would be the only tihng that kept his people safe, and he wanted a strong image to rally the peasants behind. In the end it didn't avail him, as he was ambushed by the undead on his way back from a hunt, and although he fought bravely, he did not survive.

Bretonnian Lord on Foot from Reaper Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Lord on Foot  -  Posted: June 13, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Reaper Miniatures
After the news of The Bretonnian Lord Roland Tristement's death, the Bretonnian peasantry that followed him to the Wastelands fled back to Bretonnia proper, where they mostly lived the horrid peasant life of every other Bretonnian!

Bretonnian Women Men at Arms from Oathmark Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Women Men at Arms  -  Posted: October 8, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Oathmark Miniatures
Women & Men at arms for Lord Ravenwand. Here's the whole (first) group together. I like the shields quite a bit, the gray and the blue look pretty good I think, but maybe they need some white lines too? Still, they look pretty decent to form up under Lord Ravenwand's Banner! Another seven or eight more and I'll have another Kings of War regiment ready for battle.

Bretonnian Women and Men at Arms from Oathmark Miniatures w/ Statuesque female head painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Women and Men at Arms  -  Posted: October 8, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Oathmark Miniatures w/ Statuesque female head
I wanted some more women - with the news that the famous Viking warrior grave housed a women in 2017 - in all of my armies, and there just aren't enough. Frostgrave looks great with all of their female options, but sadly their figures won't fit into the Bretonnian paradigm, so I picked up some heads from Statuesque miniatures. The heads are modern/sci-fi, but without any helmets they will pass as poor-ish warriors! I had to clip the necks shorter on the heads, but after that plus some green stuff, I think they look excellent.

Oathmark Human Warriors but also Bretonnia and Bretonnian from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Oathmark Human Warriors but also Bretonnia and Bretonnian  -  Posted: October 8, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The hat on this figure is my favourite, and the charicature-style face and facial hair. It really reminds me of the old Bretonnians with their big hands and straight, flat surfaces. The spear is much improved though.

Oathmark Miniatures w/ Statuesque female head from Oathmark miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Oathmark Miniatures w/ Statuesque female head  -  Posted: October 8, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Oathmark miniatures
Another Oathmark human with a Statuesque head. Again, I had to clip the neck post on the head otherwise it would have been far too long. I'm sure they leave extra length there just in case you need it, since it's easier to cut than to extend. Put some greenstuff in the hole for the neck, push the female head in and it was done. Super easy. Again, I like the figs a lot and these heads work pretty well.

Bretonnian Women and Men at Arms from Oathmark Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Women and Men at Arms  -  Posted: October 8, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Oathmark Miniatures
Another excellent and characterful fig from the Oathmark human line.

Bretonnian Women & Men at Arms from Oathmark miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Women & Men at Arms  -  Posted: October 8, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Oathmark miniatures
This might be my favourite Oathmark head. Clearly this chap has seen much better days. His face is mangled... I really should have put bruising and blood there, but instead interpretted it as old wounds! Lost eye, messed up nose...

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: July 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
These three knights were painted up for the Lead Adventure League a couple years ago, but they finally got based up for Kings of War. The basing scheme is for Kings of War, but inspired by the wedge-shaped Bretonnian knight units circa 5th edition Warhammer. It's tough to fit that wedge into the square bases for Kings of War, but here it is. It kinda works.

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: July 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The side view of the Bretonnian knight. I like the ice dragon theme, but it's taken some damage in the re-basing process.

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: July 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This side of the Bretonnian knights shows the Knight of the Rose, proubly representing the green and white heraldry with a rose emblem.

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: July 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I try not be a horse's ass, but nobody's perfect. Painting those helmets was a lot of fun, which you can see from the back view here.

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: July 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here are the three knights lined up with the standard square four-knight basing scheme behind. It doesn't really capture the wedge shape, but it's still looking pretty good I think.

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: July 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's just a fun shot of the *other Bretonnian unit I have using the 50mm-wide based knights all lined up. I'm pretty happy with it, no wedge here at all.

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms  -  Posted: July 17, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This is a regiment-sized unit of Bretonnian men-at-arms for Kings of War. It also fits a five-by-four unit for old-school Warhammer fantasy if there's a world where I ever play that again :) I hid the command figures in the middle of the base because I really like the shield wall look.

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms  -  Posted: July 17, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The regiment-sized unit of Bretonnian men-at-arms from the other side. Can you see the command figures in the middle?

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms  -  Posted: July 17, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The regiment-sized unit of Bretonnian men-at-arms from the back. These figures are great to paint, the detail is perfect. Can you see the command figures in the middle?

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms  -  Posted: July 17, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The padded army on these Bretonnian men at arms looks good and it's fun to paint.

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms  -  Posted: July 17, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
A worm's eye view of the Bretonnian men at arms. Considering they are not the best skilled spearmen, they do look very well motivated!

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Warhammer Kings of War Bretonnian Men At Arms  -  Posted: July 17, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's the top view to attempt to show the commander and musician. I put them in the middle because I liked the shield wall look.

Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: August 2, 2012  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The last of my unpainted Bretonnian knights! After a mere twelve of these, I'm finally in a position to say that they in fact aren't all that hard to paint! I had fun with these even though I kept it to a very historically-inspired paint scheme.

Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: August 2, 2012  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's a group of knights all together!xs

Bretonnian Archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Archers  -  Posted: July 17, 2012  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Another DBA-sized base of Bretonnian archers, and this one even has four figures on it! I went for a little more figs on the base just because I'm not as interested in economizing bases anymore, and because it looks good. I painted these ones exactly for the Hundred Years War, which the sculpting clearly based on.

Bretonnian Archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Archers  -  Posted: July 17, 2012  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's a 40mm square filler base to expand the previous DBA base into a Kings of War sized base. Again, I put three on here instead of the two that I put previously, and these are also painted for the Hundred Years War. I'm pretty happy with them, although I've been thinking that I might start blending more...

Bretonnian Archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Archers  -  Posted: July 17, 2012  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The new with the old in a big jumbled group of archers. These figs work great for fantasy or Hundred Years War British easily, and the denser bases play well with the more sparsely figured ones too. I'm liking this picture, although I need to get more light on the legs I think...

Bretonnian Archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Archers  -  Posted: July 17, 2012  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Another shot of the Bretonnian archers all together!

Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: July 3, 2012  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
My fifth element - in DBA terms - of knights. I stayed with the DBA basing, since it works so well with kings of war, and I can always use it for DBA at some other point. I'm pretty happy with these, and it's crazy that it's been over a year since last I painted a Bretonnian!

Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: July 3, 2012  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
A close-up of the front view of the knights. Note the horns on the one helmet; I went with a realistic look! I'm pretty happy over all.

Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: July 3, 2012  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's a close-up image of he barding on one of the horses. It shows the brush strokes that I use for the heraldry as well as the black tail. It's also possible to see the brush strokes on the barding itself if you look closely.

Bretonnian Knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Knights  -  Posted: July 3, 2012  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
All the knights on the march! All in all I've painted ten knights at this point... That's not even two Warhammer regiments!

Bretonnian Damsel from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Damsel  -  Posted: November 29, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
When I first saw this figure I immedietely liked it. That was more than a few years ago, so it was nice to get around to actually painting it finally. It turned out to be a bit of a challenege to paint... It's just so busy; all the GW characters are so busy. To counter that, I painted it simply. It's a late autumn colour composition. I' pretty happy with the way it turned out in the end.

Bretonnian knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian knights  -  Posted: November 15, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This is my fourth HotT element of knights for my Bretonnians. It will also transform my previous three Bretonnian elements into a single Bretonnian knight regiment for Kings of War, which is exactly why I painted it up. It's also part of the command group, thus the horn there... I'm very happy with it, it's a bit snappier than my previous knights, and I think it's primarily because of all of the black lines separating the colours and outlining the devices on the shields... Note to self: black lines make for snappier figures!

Bretonnian knights from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian knights  -  Posted: November 15, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's an obligatory shot of the full regiment of knights for Kings of War... turns out that 120mm is the width of a standard Warhammer/Kings of War cavalry regiment of 10 knights in a 5x2 formation! Lucky me that that's exactly the size of four 28mm HotT elements! Although, I can't imagine putting another figure per column... how could horses realistically move and fight in such a tight formation?

Bretonnian Army Standard Bearer from Reaper Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army Standard Bearer  -  Posted: November 15, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Reaper Miniatures
With Kings of War you need characters, and here's my first character painted specifically for the KoW action. She's sculpted by Sandra Garity, and although I thought she'd be kinda mediocre looking, I think she works perfectly for this role! She certainly stands up to the figures in the army so far, but has that extra little fantasy quality that every character figure should have in a fantasy army! The banner is actually a print out of my previous banner, and I thin it worked pretty well, although I will shrink the size of the banners, since it's very large.

Bretonnian archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian archers  -  Posted: November 8, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
A few more mercenary archers for the Bretonnians. I always have trouble with mercenary banners, but I'm pretty happy with this one. Still it shows devotion to the Lady, but with a warlike mercenary twist. I stole the design shamlessly from some random t-shirt with the fleur de lise skull motif. These guys will help transform my HotT mercenary elements into a Kings of War regiment with a banner.

Bretonnian archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian archers  -  Posted: November 8, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The second 40mm by 40mm base of archers to transform my Bretonnian mercenary archers into a Kings of War regiment. These were fun to paint again after over a year since I painted the last ones. I went with a slightly simpler colour scheme executed by removing a few colours.

Bretonnian archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian archers  -  Posted: November 8, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's a shot of the two HotT elements and the two 40mm square elements working together to form a single Kings of War regiment of archers. Again, the footprint suggests the required 20 figures while the actual figure count is ten. Oh well, it works for me! The defensive stakes make them as effective as a similar regiment of 20 figures without the stakes ;)

Bretonnian archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian archers  -  Posted: November 8, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Another 40mm square base to convert my two levy archer HotT elements into a Kings of War regiment. I decided that these guys would have a simple banner, given that they're just levy archers I figured that their lord wouldn't splurge for a fancy emroidered banner! The dead guy is another archer slightly converted, but I am happy with it. I really like the faded black and red look!

Bretonnian archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian archers  -  Posted: November 8, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The final 40mm square base of levy archers. These are the white and black levies who will join the red and black levies to form the KoW regiment. I enjoyed painting these for sure.

Bretonnian archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian archers  -  Posted: November 8, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's the levy archer regiment for Kings of War all assembled up. I like them, and I dare any bold knights to charge them!

Bretonnian army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian army  -  Posted: October 20, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The entire Bretonnian Hordes of the Things army. It was fun to paint, but I am glad it's ready. Of course, I have some extra knights yet, and I may paint up some more for an option or two, but it's done for now!

Bretonnian Army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: October 20, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The whole view of the Hero King element for my Bretonnian HotT army. This is the usurper king who claims the Bretonnian crown through some obscure lineage. Too impatient to lead the army himself, he leaves those details to lesser me and charges into the ranks of the enemy, sword blazing!

Bretonnian Army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: October 20, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Some close ups of the usurper king himself. This figure was converted from a standard 5th edition plastic knight of Bretonnia. I used some Empire Militia bits for the head and the right arm, and some eagle wings for the wings. Everything else (cloak, chain mail coif/head cover) were greenstuff additions. Overall, I am pretty happy with how it turned out.

Bretonnian Army from Old Glory Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: October 20, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Old Glory Miniatures
This was the last element I painted for the army. It is a horde element to allow me to field the 3AP paladin option. The figures are from Old Glory and are titled revolting women and children. I am sure the name is meant to have a double meaning, as these are most certainly the worst 28mm production figures I have ever painted! Still, they have a lot of character and bring a certain trashy element to the army!

Bretonnian Army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: September 28, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The general of my Bretonnian army and the standard bearer of the army. The general figure is a grail knight champion that I really liked and thought suited the bill for commander. For this army, the concept is that one of the lords of Bastonne thinks that he should be king, not king Louen... So, he appointed this champion as his general, and assigned his standard bearer to him... Anyway, I am happy with the way it turned out, and the banner worked out well, and is a bit fancier than the banner held by the spearmen as well. Note that only two figures fit on a base; they're just too big!

Bretonnian Army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: September 28, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
A couple more knights making up another knight element for my Bretonnian HotT army. I really like the cahracter of these figures, especially the awesome head gear. Most people think that it's pure fantasy, those crazy head pieces, but it's not. Late medieval, early renaissance knights did indeed have sport some pretty crazy head dresses. Overall, I am pretty happy with these figs!

Bretonnian Army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: September 28, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Another couple knights making up the third of the knight elements that will form part of the Bretonnian HotT army. This one I put a little more time into heraldry than the previous element. Overall, I think this is my favourite knight element in the army! Lots of fun to paint.

Bretonnian Army from Perry Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: September 14, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Perry Miniatures
A Bretonnian paladin for sure, this figure is Jeanne d' Arc, Joan of Arc from Perry's Hundred Years War range of miniatures. I wuite like it, and it fits the Bretonnians in armour and spirit perfectly! It's based for skirmings, but I have a couple of HotT conversion bases so I can field this in my Bretonnian HotT army. Overall, I am pretty happy with how she turned out.

Bretonnian Army from Perry Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: June 24, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Perry Miniatures
This is my favourite element of spearmen for my Hordes of the Things Bretonnian army. I decided that these spearmen would be here with the army's general, who in my version of the story recently took hold of the Duchy of Bastonne, replacing his cousin through murder and treachery! Aside from that, I enjoyed very much doing the heraldry for these. I purposed picked the coolest design/colours for the element, and it corresponds to a real Bretonnian knight as well. There are no decals, it's all freehand. I should also point out that these are not GW figures, but Perry miniatures. They work extremely well and are crazy cheap compared to the Bretonnian spearmen!

Bretonnian Army from Perry Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: June 24, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Perry Miniatures
This is a close up of the freehand (no photoshop, no computer printed banner, freehand painted!) banner for this element. It was a pleasure to do, but the diamonds were somewhat tedius.

Bretonnian Army from Perry Miniatures painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: June 24, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Perry Miniatures
The second set of spearmen for my Hordes of the Things Bretonnians. I really like these Perry miniatures for so many reasons. It's awesome that they look so unmotivated. They personify the way I would feel in their position... "Hey Braithwell, I don't want to go attack those skeleton hordes... Why don't we just leave now?" This elements hails from the Duchy of Couronne, the King's Duchy. As such, they are going against their Duke and their King in this little rebellion! Again, it's all freehand, no decals.

Bretonnian Army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: June 1, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
After doing the mercenaries (later in this gallery) who have bright colours and snazzy uniforms, I figured I would do some peasants. Not really primarily fighters they don't put a lot of money into their fighting atire. As such, their stuff is faded, their helmet's are chipped, their uniforms don't really match all that well, and they generally would rather be at home. But still, after all of that, their colours match the heraldry of their Bretonnian Lords pretty well. I wish I had a fig of these with a guy sneaking out the back, that would be me ;)

Bretonnian Army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: June 1, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
More peasant archers, these serving another lord. Again, faded colours, mismatched uniforms, dented helmets and the heraldry of their Bretonnian overlords. Overall I really like the look of these figs.

Bretonnian Army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: May 21, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I painted these older (Warhammer 2nd edition?) plastic archers in the style of the day: bright colours that like to clash! Not at all in the heraldry of the current incarnation of Bretonnia really. I imagine them as mercenaries. Given their success against knights, these guys realized that money was to be made inside Bretonnia, helping one Duke resolve the border disputes with another... These are based for Hordes of the Things (HotT), but are compatible with Warhammer as well.

Bretonnian Army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: May 21, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Another element of mercenary archers for HotT (but compatible with Warhammer). Again, I stuck with the crazy bright colours of the classic Warhammer look.

Bretonnian Army from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Bretonnian Army  -  Posted: May 21, 2009  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The group of mercenary archers together lined up and ready for some action. Overall the effect of the wooden stakes works pretty well.