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Warhammer Chaos Warriors Gallery

Battle Masters Darkoath Marauders Chaos Bowmen and Archers from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Darkoath Marauders Chaos Bowmen and Archers  -  Posted: January 30, 2025  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
I feel like these original Chaos warriors with bows are actually Chaos Marauders back when Chaos was more representative of punk rock, before the marauders became more inspired by fantasy Vikings. I had thought the punk-rock Chaos era was good and dead, but then I saw the Darkoath Maruaders and rejoiced that Chaos had returned to the punk esthetic! I hated these figs for decades and decades and actually planned to replace them with goblin archers up until the Darkoath Maruaders were released and I began to truly appreciate what they represent. I much prefer punk-rock chaos to the fantasy Vikings; as a historical pedantist, I can't abide the rediculously muscular, horned-helmeted Chaos vibe. I get why people like it of course, it's just no for me!

Battle Masters Darkoath Marauders Chaos Bowmen and Archers from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Darkoath Marauders Chaos Bowmen and Archers  -  Posted: January 30, 2025  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The punnk-rock Chaos archers from the back, looking good. I really like the figs too, pretty well detailed considering when they were made. I love the pose, even if there is only one pose.

Battle Masters, Hero Quest, Underworld Khagra's Ravagers Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters, Hero Quest, Underworld Khagra's Ravagers Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 15, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
All of the recent Chaos warriors together in one big family shot! They scale pretty well... sure the head is a bit small on the modern fig from Khagra's Ravagers, but otherwise, pretty good match!

Khagra's Ravagers Underworld Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Khagra's Ravagers Underworld Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 15, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Really like this figure, it's like the latest incarnation of the modernized Slambo in plastic. The Hero Quest plastic figure is my favourite plastic Slambo, but this warrior from Khagra's Ravagers is pretty cool too.

Battle Masters Hero Quest Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Hero Quest Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 15, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Comparison between a modern GW Chaos warrior and the Battle Masters, Hero Quest, early plastic figures. You can really see the clear design lineage here. They're basically different takes on the same figure!

Hero Quest Warhammer Chaos Warrior from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Hero Quest Warhammer Chaos Warrior  -  Posted: October 15, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Another take on the Hero Quest Chaos warrior, which will fit very well with my Battle Masters Chaos warriors. I like the purple helmet better than the metal helpet I did before. Pretty happy with this one and will add more in the future!

Hero Quest Warhammer Chaos Warrior from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Hero Quest Warhammer Chaos Warrior  -  Posted: October 15, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Again the clean lines and unique character of this figure is quite nice.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 15, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
More of those lovely chaos warriors from Battle Masters. I really like these figs, some of my favourite Chaos models of all time. Sure they're simple and single-posed, but they get the job done with the right amount of character for me.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 15, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Really enjoyed painting these capes, just the right amount of detail for what they are.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 15, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
These beastment from Battlemasters take a lot of hate, but I feel like they are very well sculpted and have a great amount of detail! Drybrushing works, altho probably those fancy washes that GW sells might not since the details aren't super deep like the new GW figs. So much character, so much fun. I struggled with the right paint scheme, but in the end I'm happy with how they turned out!

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 15, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
A back view of these beastmen. Loog at the great simple but effective detail on there, so good.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
This is one of my favourite plastics of all time for Chaos Warriors, it's the Slambo derivative that could be found in the Hero Quest game. An absolutely wonderful Chaos warrior from which all later Chaos Warriors derived! Painted up to match my other Chaos warriors from Battle Masters.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Although from different games, they were definitely from that same era where plastics were brand new and Warhammer was just taking off across the world thanks to Hero Quest and Battle Masters. These two will definitely feature prominently in my future Chaos armies!

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre  -  Posted: August 16, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Here's the mighty Chaos Ogre on its Battle Masters base, all ready to smash some Empire soldiers into smithereens. Note the freehand belly shield.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre  -  Posted: August 16, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
A close up of the figure on its 40mm square base, which fits into the slot on the Battle Masters base. I'm pretty happy with this figure, I put some gray putty on the shoulder sleeve to cover the gap, but otherwise this is the same figs that was moulded in 1991.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre  -  Posted: August 16, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
This side shows off the weakest sculpted areas of the model, but it's not terrible.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre  -  Posted: August 16, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The back of the Ogre Champion shows off its butt, and I'm pretty happy with those pants.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Ogre  -  Posted: August 16, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
A close up of the freehand shield design. It's based on the GW design, which is quite obviously based on Greek Hoplite shield designs from classical Greece. I'm pretty happy with it! I didn't have the heart to scuff it up or add chips or anything :D

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: April 14, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The design here is based on the Vampire Count for my undead army. She is on a purple-and-orange barded horse, and since I plan to use these figs as vampire cavalry I painted them the same. The shield is inspired by a jack-o-lantern, but it has a demonic look as well. Overall, it was fun to paint this old Battlemaster figure with an old Chaos Knight head on the horse.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: April 14, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
Another of the vampire cavalry-themed Battlemaster chaos knights. This one has the original heal. These miniatures are actually pretty awesome even though they are much maligned. Again, the shield has a demon-like jack-o-lantern face.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: April 14, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
The third chaos knight with the vampire cavalry barding theme that I used before. Note that this shield is pretty much a straight-up jack-o-lantern, and not really demon inspired at all, which is fine. Again with the original head.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: April 14, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
This chaos knight was the test figure, the first one that I painted in the vampire knight theme. It has the metallic helmet, and the striped cloak, both of which I abandoned for the later figures. This one does have the demon-inspired jack-o-lantern shield as well, and the Battlemaster head replaced with a Chaos Knight horse head.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 27, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
I really like these Battle Masters Chaos Warriors, and they will look great as Vampire Infantry in my Undead Kings of War army for sure. I kept with the jack-o-lantern shield theme here, but went with a more sophisticated look with a detailed shield design. Also, went with a purple armour, as opposed token_get_all pure metal... otherwise I would have had to do too much metal!

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 27, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
They all look identical, given the poses, so I differentiated them with the shield designs, using demons as inspiration for some, and scream for others.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 27, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
This is maybe my least favourite shield design, something about the eyes are just too... something.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 27, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
This is an evil look, and the pupils in these eyes give the jack-o-lanterns a more life-like look I think.

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors from Milton Bradley and Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Battle Masters Warhammer Chaos Warriors  -  Posted: October 27, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Milton Bradley and Games Workshop
All oval teeth on this one I think turned out very well. This is one of my favourite shield designs.