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Corsairs of Umbar Gallery

Corsairs of Umbar from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Corsairs of Umbar  -  Posted: January 7, 2013  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Sold in a pack of two, this corsair captain was the seal on the deal of me buying these years ago :) Finally some paint... but these figs are tough really. So much detail, so many cast lines. Still it worked out well enough.

Corsairs of Umbar from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Corsairs of Umbar  -  Posted: January 7, 2013  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Peter Jackson himself. I put an axe in his hand because that's what he's carrying in the movie. Over all, it's a cool figure and I'm happy with it.

Corsairs of Umbar from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Corsairs of Umbar  -  Posted: January 7, 2013  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This is a tough one. Over all and excellent figure, except the hand holding the arrow... Still, it will look good on the table top! The pose is great.

Corsairs of Umbar from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Corsairs of Umbar  -  Posted: January 7, 2013  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This actually looks like someone I know, and it's kind of weird. But a cool fig over all!

Corsairs of Umbar from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Corsairs of Umbar  -  Posted: January 7, 2013  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
A great sailing fig, or fighting fig. These plastic Corsairs of Umbar are great figures.

Corsairs of Umbar from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Corsairs of Umbar  -  Posted: January 7, 2013  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Archers are worth a thousand swordsmen on a ship that hasn't grappled onto its adversary. This figure will come in handy when battle is joined. The grass is new, and it a bit too perfect I think... next time I'll rough it up a bit!

Corsairs of Umbar from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Corsairs of Umbar  -  Posted: January 7, 2013  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Another great figure, I believe that it's based on a cameo makup guy from the Lord of the Rings movies. The grappling hook will come in handy in battle as well.

Corsairs of Umbar from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

Corsairs of Umbar  -  Posted: January 7, 2013  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Another nice archer figure. Very well executed these figures.