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The Empire Gallery

The Empire Archers ready for battle! from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Archers ready for battle!  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I realized that with the other Battle Masters Empire archers that I painted them all green... when what I actually wanted was to paint them split yellow and green. So here they are, split and with some red accent colours. I like them a lot.

The Empire Archers ready for battle! from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Archers ready for battle!  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The latest batch of archers releasing a volley on their foes! I really like these old figures, they have so much character!

The Empire Archers ready for battle! from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Archers ready for battle!  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
It took me a while to start painting this cannon. I wasn't sure what colours to do the wood in, I wasn't sure what colours to do the metal in... in the end I went with a similar match to what I had done before. Also, I wanted to try out the fancy new drybrushing brushes I had... it didn't work out great but I'm still happy with it!

The Empire Archers ready for battle! from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Archers ready for battle!  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
From the yellow side of the cannon, that loader is looking great too!

The Empire Archers ready for battle! from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Archers ready for battle!  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Overall I still like the yellow and green colour scheme of this army. These two figures are pretty good I think.

The Empire Archers ready for battle! from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Archers ready for battle!  -  Posted: January 18, 2024  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Both figures prominently working hard on getting off shot-after-shot! Hopefully no misfires today!

The Empire Mounted General with Halberdiers and Archers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Mounted General with Halberdiers and Archers  -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The recently painted Empire troops including the Warhammer Empire General (with various bits) leading some archers and halberdiers from the Empire Army included in the Battle Masters game.

The Empire Mounted General from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Mounted General  -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The shield side of the general, ready for battle! No metallics on the figure, not really great non-metallic metal either, but I wanted to go all black with the armor. It isn't perfect, and also I'm happy with it! This figure took me years to complete from start to finish; I was wrapped up in a perfectionist mindset and just couldn't put aside the worries and get it done. I finally did and I'm happy with it!

The Empire Mounted General from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Mounted General  -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The other side of the general. Everything is great, except maybe that eye... haha!

The Empire from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire  -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The latest five Halberdiers from the Battle Masters game. These are some of my all-time favourite figures. They are relatively low in detail and high in character. They also offer a great canvas to put any designs on or flair, or any style. I like these!

The Empire  from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire   -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The back of the halberdiers really show how nice these figures are.

The Empire  from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire   -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
All the latest painted troops together ready to face off against the Chaos hordes! The archers pepper the enemy while the halberdiers rank up and prepare for the enemy charge!

The Empire  from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire   -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's a picture of all of the halberdiers from Battle Masters lined up in ranks ready for some Warhammer Fantasy Battles! I know they are mono pose, and also they just look fantastic all ranked up despite that. So much character in this single figure really carries the whole unit.

The Empire from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire  -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The ranked up unit from the front angle. I don't think the uniformity of the figures takes away anything to be honest.

The Empire  from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire   -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here are the archers alone from the front, ready to launch volleys of bow fire into the enemy. These are on their unit base from the Battle Masters game, however they will be used as Warhammer Fantasy and Kings of War units as well. The eyes aren't bad, I'm satisfied with them even though the detail on the face isn't great because it's on the mould line.

The Empire from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire  -  Posted: September 21, 2023  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The back of the archers, again on their Battle Masters unit base.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The first five crossbow men for the Empire! They are Battle Masters Empire figs, and I plan to do one more set of fix to make a troop for Kings of War and perhaps throw a curveball at my Battle Masters opponent!

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
A little scene of the stalwart men practicing their craft, ready to defend the Empire from the forces of chaos! Good luck boys, you'll need it!

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
After painting so many of these - only 10 by the time I started the crossbow men - I realize they are very uniform :) I painted the dots on the end of the wood there, which was fun. I imagined the circle on the front of the helmet wrap was a cloth-covered button pin of some sort and painted it as such.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The first crossbow man is all yellow and green!

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
All yellow and green except the under padding, which is undyed linen.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Made the cloth-covered-button red for this one. Also, one eye closed to aim!

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
In addition to the red button on the front of the helmet, there's also a red hood. Red is an accent color for the army and really breaks the monotony - if you can call it that - of bright yellow and rich green.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The red-buttoned crossbow man here, showing off that linen under padding fringe, which also breaks up the yellow and green along with the brown leather and wood and skin.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The third crossbow man here, also brown skinned, but sporting the most standard green and yellow only look on the helmet.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The third crossbow man from the back with a red cowl again to break up the colors.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Again and again... So many of these figs to paint!! :D

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Another red-buttoned crossbow man here in the fourth one, this one with that daring undyed linen under padding.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Yellow cowl on this fourth crossbow man.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The fourth crossbow man from the side.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Fifth and final crossbow man from this Battle Masters unit, both eyes open, red helmet wrap too!

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I really like the red helmet wrap on this fifth crossbow man.

The Empire Crossbow Men from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Crossbow Men  -  Posted: May 29, 2021  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Fifth crossbow man from the side, liking the red accent here.

The Empire Men at Arms Captain from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms Captain  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
More battle masters figs. I decided to make a Kings of War or OldHammer or Oathmark unit with these as well as the Battle Masters units, so I based them singly and needed a captain and a banner bearer. This is the captain with a sword swapped from the Oathmark human sprew. I'm pretty happy with it, even though it breaks the old-school feel a bit.

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: August 4, 2020  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop

The Empire Men at Arms from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire Men at Arms  -  Posted: October 21, 2019  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Picked these up to play Battle Masters, but I will also build a Kings of Warhammer type base for them as well and play Kings of War or OldHammer with them. They were a pleasure to paint, and I chose a scheme that would match my current Empire armies as well. I put them on their own bases because they won't really be any good on a multi base since they are so static, and making them into a mini diorama is basically impossible.

The Empire hero Lord Valten from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire hero Lord Valten  -  Posted: November 29, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This was dificult to come to grips with... So much metal... Tiny little head... Giant warhammer. I am happy with how it turned out though, and it will play the King roll in my human army list for Kings of War very well!

The Empire pistoliers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire pistoliers  -  Posted: November 29, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I had a lot of fun painting these. The banner is inspired by light horse banners from late-medieval Granada, with a skull for some fantasy flair. The figures turned out very well I think, and I'm happy with them. They are very large though, and the faces of the riders are quite odd.... This is a HotT rider element, or half of the Kings of War troop for my human army list.

The Empire pistoliers from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire pistoliers  -  Posted: November 29, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This is another HotT rider element, or the other half of the Kings of War troop for my human army list. I went with some piping and other flares on the blowing jacket, but nothing as complex as Napoleonic stuff. That sword/pistol weapon carried by the officer is pretty interesting.

The Empire cannons and mortars from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire cannons and mortars  -  Posted: November 22, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
I had a spru from the 5th edition Warhammer box with warmachines on it and decided to stretch it to make two guns from it. This cannon is the first. Technically I think it requires three figures, but I went with two because in HotT and Kings of War it doesn't really matter. I went with the same barrel fortification scheme with these guys that I used the the handgunners, and I and pretty happy with it. Lots of character here... The loader has to go out beyond the barricade, and is naturally reluctant, while the commander their is simply yelling and pointing, refusing to do anything himself! Since they are already receiving fire (see the arrow?) who would want to cross the barrier to load the gun? Poor bastards.

The Empire cannons and mortars from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire cannons and mortars  -  Posted: November 22, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here is the mortar. I used the third crewman and an extra spearmen with the spear head replaced. I also scratch-built the part of the strusture that actually holds the gun. I think it worked out pretty well overall. I really like the character of the guy about to fire the mortar, it was a fun one to do. Again with the crates forming a barricade to protect from missile fire. The loader here is a bit more eager than the cannon loader... Maybe he's had a little more liquid courage or something...

The Empire cannons and mortars from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire cannons and mortars  -  Posted: November 22, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The pair of warmachings on 60mm wide bases ready for use with Hordes of the Things and Kings of War. Should be a good time!

The Empire work in progress pistolier from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire work in progress pistolier  -  Posted: November 22, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Not a common sight, but I figured I put up a picture of a WIP pistolier that I have on the go at the moment. The banner is inspired by one used in Granada, and fits with my Human army list for Kings of War, where the light cavalry are called Jinetes, which is what they were called in medieval Spain. The figs are coming together well so far I think... Note that only the yellow on the flag is highlighted, but not the green.

The Empire handgunners from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire handgunners  -  Posted: November 1, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This is the first element of handgunners for my Hordes of the Things and Kings of War army... This one is 60mm by 40mm, so it's ready to take part as a single HotT element and as a troop/regiment builder for KoW. The banner is pretty simple but it does a good job for this unit I think. I went with a barricade sorta design for this; I imagine these guys commandeered a few merchant's cards and stole their barrels and crates... Not sure if they bothered to empty them of their goods and fill them with earth, or simply used them as is :) I mean, what merchant is going to argue with a unit og handgunners anyway? Thanks to the barricade, the archery fire has been much less effective against these guys that their spearmen counterparts. For KoW these guys represent two ranks of soldiers (six figs); I was never much for the 1 to 1 figure requirement ;)

The Empire handgunners from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire handgunners  -  Posted: November 1, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The second HotT element of hangunners, and another six-figure base regiment builder for Kings of War. I know I skimped by painting a mere three figs for this six figure base, but those crates too a bit more work than I thought they would :) I am happy with the way these guys turned out, all barricaded behing their commandeered barrels and crates! Some of those arrows must have been flying pretty fast too, look at how deeply they are burried!

The Empire handgunners from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire handgunners  -  Posted: November 1, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This 40mm by 40mm base expands the 60mm by 40mm bases shown previously into a Kings of War troop unit. Here another couple handgunners shoot from behind their cover. I'm pretty happy with the way these turned out, and I really like the figures as well; despite their lack of posability, they shape up pretty well!

The Empire handgunners from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire handgunners  -  Posted: November 1, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
The last 40mm by 40mm base to make my 60mm by 40mm HotT bases into KoW troops, this one features a head-swapped figure loading his matchlock there. I noticed that not all of the figs' matchlocks have fuses... It's pretty hard to fire a matchlock musket without a fuse! But, he's reloading I guess, so maybe he's replacing it... I should likely have put a coal pot and some extra fuse to make it plausible :) For the figs with fuses, I tried to paint the fuse end with a bright-red burning bit on the end of the hammer. I think they turned out well!

The Empire handgunners from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire handgunners  -  Posted: November 1, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This is my casualty counter for the Kings of War action. You can see in the left picture that there's a little gap in the wheel part of the base that reveals a 4. The wheel part turns and the counter goes up to 20. This base was a lot of work so I'm not sure I will do these for all of my Kings of War regiments and troops... Also, originally I have a foot on there that was lying flat. It looked great, but then I dropped it an the foot popped off and got lost in the mess that is my hobby room... so, a little blood and bone and it's done ;) Also note that the guy apparently didn't empty his bowels before he was killed... war isn't all glory after all. Note that the flat side of the marker is meant to rest against the edge of the unit so that it's easy to identify which unit it is attached to.

The Empire handgunners from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire handgunners  -  Posted: November 1, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's the Kings of War regiment mustered and assembled. It is meant to be a unit of 20 figs, even though there's only 10 figs on there. I don't mind this at all, and it should work fine since the base dimensions are really all that matter in KoW, which is similar to HotT. The casualty marker can be seen against the side of the unit as well; it would typically be against the back.

The Empire handgunners from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire handgunners  -  Posted: November 1, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's the collection of bases more-or-less together. I'm quite happy with the way these turned out, and this makes me two regiments closer to a full-sized generic human Kings of War army, and two elements closer to a HotT army!

The Empire spearmen from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire spearmen  -  Posted: October 25, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
What is this now? I must admit, I like the 1:1-ish scale wargames in 28mm. Hordes of the Things is nice and (relatively) simple, but it's not 1:1. So, when the Kings of War closed beta rules were released I was taken by them. Simple game, 1:1-ish. At least as 1:1-ish as warhammer anyway. So, here's my first regiment. It's a 10cm by 8cm block of troops, the same footprint as 20 figs on 20mm bases ranked up in rows of five. Since you don't need individually-based figures in Kings of War, and since I still wanted to field some of the figs as part of a HotT army, I made mine using three bases: two 60mmx40mm and one 40mm by 80mm. Here it is, diorama-ish, and I'm quite happy with it!

The Empire spearmen from Games Workshop and Artizan Designs painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire spearmen  -  Posted: October 25, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop and Artizan Designs
This is the second 60mm by 40mm base, which will be used in my 28mm HotT-Hammer Empire army as well as part of the Kings of War regiment. This one is another mini-diorama element continuing the theme of the perils of being shot on the march. Here poor, brave Johann catches an arrow in the chest. Poor guy joined the militia after Astrid's father insisted he serve a year before he accepted him as a son-in-law. Astrid's father was a ruthless bastard and he didn't want Johann in his family! Other than that, the banner's somewhat uninspired, but it will do! Also, note that the guy on the mound in the back beside the banner bearer is actually a Landsnecht figure from Artizan Designs.

The Empire spearmen from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire spearmen  -  Posted: October 25, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
This is the third stand of spearmen and is 40mm by 80mm. It basically translates the two Hordes of the Things elements into a Kings of War regiment. With the six figures on here I could have made one or two more HotT elements, but whatever, I am really excited about Kings of War, abd re-basing isn't all that hard if I change my mind down the road. Another dead spearmen on this base, this one already fallen... poor Arne, more on him in the next image.

The Empire spearmen from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire spearmen  -  Posted: October 25, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Arne, born to a poor seamstress and stable hand, he was left on his own as a child when his parents died of the plague. Forced to either live on the street or join the militia, he chose three square meals a day. Unfortunately for him, he won't see another day...

The Empire spearmen from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire spearmen  -  Posted: October 25, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here is a quick image of the three pieces together, but not lined up. Typically a unit this size would have 20 figures in it, but I like the way it looks with less since things look a bit more naturally distributed. There are only 16 figures on here, meaning that painting four regiments of 20 figures each would give me a fifth free regiment at 16 figures each! That's an extra 150-200 points ready for the field!

The Empire spearmen from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire spearmen  -  Posted: October 25, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
A top view of the regiment together. Perhaps I should have made the 40mm by 80mm base two 40xx by 40mm bases so that I could field two Kings of War troop units as well, but since the spearmen are a core unit, I figure I will always field the regiment anyway. In the future I might plan a bit better to get a more pleasing distribution of figures, but I'm still pretty happy with this.

The Empire spearmen from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire spearmen  -  Posted: October 12, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
For some time I have been telling anyone who will listen that I want to do diorama bases. The mutli-figure bases required for DBA and HotT, along with the basing concept from Mantic's Kings of War rules really provide an opportunity to do diorama bases for gaming... They take a little extra work of course. My 28mm Romans were my first real attempt at the idea, and here's the next attempt! This diorama is intended to expose the dangers of marching on the battle field. You know, the double move that many games allow, that would have been devastating for units if they were charged or received fire. Well, this unlucky group is about to learn how bad it can be. This diorama intends to capture the first few arrows from the first deadly volley... It is moments after those first few arrows struck, and moments before the rest of the volley lands. I would say the unit is done for; they should have brought some shields at least! Also, I experimented with a brighter yellow on one of the figures, can you spot it?

The Empire spearmen from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire spearmen  -  Posted: October 12, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Here's a close-up shot of the two marching spearmen who were unfortunate enough to actually take the first couple of arrows. Dietrick (left) and Gerhart (right) were buddies for a long time. They had never been to war, but were quite excited about going. So excited that they insisted on being in the front ranks. Here we see Dietrick's startled and agonized expression as he realizes simultaneously that his best friend Gerhart just took an arrow in the neck and that he just took an arrow in the foot!

The Empire spearmen from Games Workshop painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields

The Empire spearmen  -  Posted: October 12, 2010  -  Manufacturer: Games Workshop
Another view of Dietrick and Gerhart's tragedy. Poor Gerhart, he was going to propose to his lover after the battle... You know, one thing lead to another and she got pregnant. He was going to do the right thing, now he's got an extra arrow in his neck! One arrow is too many! And poor Dietrick will likely never walk again, if he doesn't die of a festering wound! Maybe those Empire healers will be able to help him...